I've finally covered the black tarp with wood chips. Some the plants I put there are dead and others are showing signs of bloom. Now is the time for patience as most of these plants are very little things. It's been a glorious weekend with warm temperatures, but we're in need for some rain to help the flora along.
This week-end I went to visit my folks in the beautiful Laurentian Mountains on Lake MacDonald. The weather was gorgeous, the nights clear and the stars at their brightest. The first evening I was there I went down to the water's edge to look at the stars reflected in the still lake. I also saw the refection coming from a house that hadn't been there the last fall, so the next day I went over to investigate.
It was a new house, built by one of my best childhood friends, who had just inherited the land from her father who had recently passed. Ellie and her husband Norman were good friends who I had lost touch with recently .... for that I regret!
Norman walked out of the house to greet me and was as skinny as can be. He had bandages on his neck but was in great spirits. He invited me in and began to tell me about his winter ... what a winter ....
In the Fall, he had become extremely ill. It was his heart, which wasn't pumping properly so it was causing all sorts of problems. ....
To make a long story short .... he ended up having a HEART TRANSPLANT !!!!!
My God, a friend of mine, who I've known for over 30 years (I attended their wedding almost 31 years ago), who is only in his mid-fifties has a new heart. I couldn't believe it! The operation was in mid-February and he was only out of the hospital for one week when I saw him. He had complications with the surgery and it was "touch and go" for awhile. Poor Ellie had to make some very tough decisions, which could have ended Norman's life - but luck was on his side.
The doctors now saw he is healthy and his new heart is doing "just fine".
It's made me realize that I shouldn't lose touch with those I really care about because, for example, when Ellie and Norman could have used my support - I wasn't there. (I drifted away during a time when I was in a bad relationship with a man).
It also made me sign an organ transplant option on my driver's licence, which means that if I die, I can hopefully provide an organ to someone in need, just as someone did for Norman.
I thank god that Norman is healthy, and thank god both he and Ellie come from close, huge families so there was lots of support around them.
I pray that Norman will remain healthy so that he and Ellie can have at least another 31 years together.
While the photos can't really show the true efforts of my work, yesterday I spent approximately 8 hours planting about 70 plants in what I hope to be a beautiful rock garden. One of the reasons why it's hard to see is because I have a black tarp over the ground to help minimize weeds from crowding in. Another reason why its hard to see is because I bought the really small plants that have yet to mature and spread; more economical this way. Today I still have more to do along the side of the driveway, where I've installed some patio stones. Maybe I'll post more pictures below. But, I can assure you that I am walking somewhat like my grandmother did during her latter years of life!
The bottom photo is of some stones that I installed next to my driveway. Great for me to step on to when I get out of the car ... and also great to deposit snow in the winter after shovelling the driveway!
Passionate about music/singing and travel. I’ve travelled to 30+ countries on shoe-string budgets, lived in France, trained my voice and sing: jazz, rock and classical. Love each one for their differences and challenges.
Today much of my learning comes from travelling and appreciating cultures. I believe all should travel to see how others live elsewhere. While we have different faiths, foods etc., essentially we’re the same. Peace to us all!