Sunday, May 30, 2010

Another brick in the wall,.... no step in the garden project

I've finally covered the black tarp with wood chips. Some the plants I put there are dead and others are showing signs of bloom. Now is the time for patience as most of these plants are very little things. It's been a glorious weekend with warm temperatures, but we're in need for some rain to help the flora along.


grace said...

looking good! Hope you get the mix of rain and sun for your garden Lesley.


Anne-Marie said...

Looks great, Lesley.

We've had the whole back yard reseeded, and will need the same kind of patience you're calling for.

Rain would be nice, but I do like the glorious weather.


Vallypee said...

You and Anne Marie are the garden champions in my book Lesley. I really need to do the same to mine but don't have the time or energy at the moment ;-(

Well done you!

Dale said...

You are one busy girl, Lesley!
