Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ta Da !


grace said...

Alright!! all cleaned up. :)

Anne-Marie said...

Nice clean look! Wanna be my gardener?


Lannio said...

Grace - Uh, well now I have to clean up the weeds. But! a huge accomplishment has been made.

Sure AM!

Dale said...

Yay Lesley!

Looks very neat and tidy.Do you have plans for a new hedge and is there a particular reason you took down the trees?
Just wondering...

Now you can't climb the trees over the fence and have a swim!


Vallypee said...

Well done! It didn't take that long did it? I'm going to try it too!

String said...

Ah ha! What are you going to plant there?

Lannio said...

Dale - Those 18 trees used to be part of a hedge that overgrew. They rocked back and forth like swings in windstorms and was afraid they would topple over like my neighbours one did last year. There was also lots of goutweed at the base that I wanted to get rid of - hence the reasons.

String - I hate cutting trees but will grow more evergreens at the far section of my yard. After I tackle the weeds and goutweed roots (underneath the soil) I'll have to figure out what to plant. I want a deck in the back and more of a privacy fence but they may not come for a couple of years.


Tink said...

Wow! That was some hard work. Once the rest of the hard yakka is done, you can have some fun planning what to do next. :o)

Happy Equinox! (It's a bit cool and rainy here, but makes the falling leaves look shiny and lovely)
