Sunday, September 09, 2007

I have been tagged by many, therefore I will not tag anyone myself. However, if someone reads this who hasn’t been tagged then consider it done.

So, here are 8 things about me + a few of my simple pleasures that I’ve mixed in for the fun of it.

  1. I am a traditional, liberated and adventurous.
  2. I am a romantic realist.
  3. I am a leader who sometimes likes to follow
  4. I am a practical, pragmatic, creative person and thinker
  5. I believe in fate, but also I believe in taking matters into my own hands.
  6. I like wine and specialty drinks on occasion. But don’t like smoke on any occasion.
  7. I like blue skies contrasted with white fluffy clouds.
  8. I love the smell right after a spring rain.
  9. I like rainbow colors along with black and white, but believe that life is made up of the shades in between.
  10. I feel better when the sun is shining, but love walking in light drizzle.
  11. I am a people, dog and cat person.
  12. I like to mix it up. I like a touch of stability.
  13. I am a quick study. I’m quick learner.
  14. I like a challenge and don’t like to lose, however know the best part of any game is playing it.
  15. I love my friends and family and am thankful to have them in my life.


MargieCM said...

Haha, a girl of contrasts, a multi-faceted, fully-rounded human being.

This is a lovely collection Lesley, and I can identify with all of it except walking in the drizzle, which is a tad soggy for my liking. I am a creature of comfort.

"Romantic realist". Fabulous.

Dale said...

only 8 lesley... lol

I found that I could have gone on and on, too.

And Margie, I like the warming up after the soggy drizzle...

Vallypee said...

Lovely contrary Lesley! I'm with Margie in not liking drizzle under any circumstances, and Dale, even the warming up doesn't make up for being wet, cold and soggy on the first

Abut the wine and smoke, I like being around both, but I'm afraid I've discovered that neither of them like me...even the wine now..sniff.

a pragmatic, paractical that's special xx

gypsy noir said...

Great list there Lesley!! are a very well rounded person and a lovely lady..well how come you got 15 Missy!?!

Anne-Marie said...

You forgot #16... I was always math-challenged and couldn't master the concept of "8".

*ducks and runs*

Seriously, that was a great list, Lesley! Alright, the rest of you slackers, you've got 7 more to top off your lists with!


Unknown said...

Great list! I especially like #8 about the smell right after the rain. I think I like that in the fall almost as much as the Spring, and the color contrasts are very smoke for me, either; but I'd just as soon stay warm and dry, so I'll pass on the drizzle walking, too.
#16 As a pragmatic, creative thinker, I tend to make up my own rules...

My turn to duck and run!

E.L. Wisty said...

Great fifteen points! I can relate to all of them.