Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Enfin! - A story in pictures

.... Now to organize my stuff!


Vallypee said...

Wow, that's fantastice Leslie! You leave me humbled by your DIY skills. What a fantastic job you've done on that basement room. It looks so cosy now. Well done!!

Anne-Marie said...

Wow, does that ever look sharp. The wall colour is great too! Nice work, L & J!


Dale said...

Great job, Lesley!
Must feel like a wonderful accomplishment.
Is this the entire basement or do you have a bedroom there, too?
Is there a kitchenette, as well?

I am impressed!


Lannio said...

VaL - I can't take most of the credit. If it wasn't for "J" or Jim it wouldn't have been done. He knew what to do and I just copied what he did and sometimes just watched. However, I did do lots too under his watchful eye.

AM - Thanks! Looks much different than when you saw it a month ago - yeah!

Dale - This is just 25% of the basement, or 200 sq ft. Hopefully I'll be able to fill up the remainder of the basement with a bedroom, small workshop/laundry room and 4 piece bathroom.

grace said...

WOW it looks incredible. awesome job. :)

Ian Gordon Craig said...

Wow, and I thought I'd been busy last summer just decorating and doing some basic soundproofing.

String said...

What a tranformation! WOW! excellent job!

bookworm said...

Hi Lesley,

you must have a lot of work in the last time. It looks very good now. I wish you a great time in your new home.
