Friday, June 15, 2007


I’m here thinking that I should have something intelligent to say. Instead, my mind has been taking me for trips down memory lane. Here are some of the reasons why:

Today for lunch I ate at one of my favourite French restaurants in Toronto called “Le Papillon” (The Butterfly). The last time I was there was on my last date with Stephen who broke up with me just a little over a year ago. I’m pretty much over him and am ready to move on if an opportunity were to come my way. But with him it was love and then his cold feet.

Next week, during Toronto’s Gay Pride festival (which totally dominates my gay neighbourhood) I’m heading out of town with a friend to Kingston/Gananoque, along the St. Lawrence River and the famous Thousand Island region. It was about five years ago that I practically lived in that region in a house along the river and in boats with another old “beau” Barry.

I also was surfing the net the other day and came across the name of one of my best High School Friends (Rhonda) who moved to Alberta about 25 years ago. I sent her an email and she replied.

Sometimes new beginnings and routines get me to think about my current life and how I ended up living it the way I do. I’m feeling really great about things, including my new job. This has given me an excess amount of restless energy taking my mind to past memories and wondering what the future will bring.

What to do and how to do it? rowing, photography courses, exercise … so many decisions, but I know it'll be good...

Like right now .... I’m enjoying the sunshine of these great days and reading Val’s great book, which is about memories too.


Anne-Marie said...

I love "Le Papillon", even when it's me and 50 students (although it's way better at night with adults, right?).

So many changes and yet so many reminders of days gone by. Look back in fondness, but don't forget to turn around again- you've got a bright future waiting to happen.


Vallypee said...

Oh yes indeed, Lesley, looking back in fondness is good for clarifying where you are now, and those memories will always be precious. `it's good to hear you feel so positive about the future though, and I'm so glad you are enjoying your new job. Sounds as if it was worth the wait!

Thanks for the kind words too. You are a darling.

Dale said...

Our memories are what our lives are made of.

Dale said...

Those memories also help in the here and now for making decisions about our future.

The good thing is, we have been endowed with the power of free will and, ultimately, the ability to make choices.

Dale said...

Let's hear it for bright horizons!

Vallypee said...

Lesley, thank you so much for your review on my book. I am touched and honoured, and even more importantly, I am so very pleased you enjoyed it. That is my greatest

Stevie said...

I love who you are. And I love those days when you can look back and reflect... some moments feel more sombre, but so many more feel right... you are amazing. You inspire me to do more travelling in my life... and broaden my horizons when my boys are grown.

Stevie said...

huddles to you!

gypsy noir said...

Like dale said our memories are who we are..its the ones we have yet to make that makes it exciting!..

Dale said...

That's really neat about Rhonda - you were pretty good friends way back then.

How's she doing?

Dale said...


I'm eating a "May West"!!

Remember the bakery truck?

grace said...

Memories sometimes are what keeps us going, remembering what brings us happiness or peace.

Vallypee said...

Just popping in again to say have a lovely weekend Lesley. Hope it's as bright and sunshiny as you ;-)