Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I'm back

I am returning to my blog to make another well over-due entry. I began my new job last week and have been consumed with meeting new people, learning new subject material and navigating a new office system. On top of this, a key member of my new staff tendered her resignation on my second day in the office. She was just back in the office after her honeymoon and was offered a job while she was away. So I’ve also been busy writing new job descriptions and shuffling work projects around. Oh, I’ve also got a presentation to do this week to the Board of Directors …. and attend the Board meeting. Was it only a week ago that I was refreshed after spending some time away? Phew…

I like my new place of employment and the very professional staff who work there. What a change! I also like the location of the office, which is situated at the base of Yonge St., the world’s longest street. From my new office I get a wonderful vista of Toronto’s waterfront and well-treed islands just off-shore.

Sorry I’ve been away so long, but I’ve been tremendously busy! Hopefully I’ll get into a rhythm soon


Anne-Marie said...

Yay for this new job! It sounds wonderful. Are you walking to work, or is just a smidge too far (not that a smidge is an actual measure)?

Want to get together soon? I'll be free from report card hell in about a week.


Lannio said...

I'm trying to walk the 3kms distance to and from work as much as possible. It's only when there's torrential rain, a blizzard, or extreme temperatures (high or low) that I'll drive it.

I'd love to get together soon. Most of my fall/winter/spring activities have concluded for the summer so my schedule pretty empty.

Dale said...

Keep on workin'...


Dale said...

It's nice to work in an environment where people work in a proffessional manner...and like their job.

gypsy noir said...

Great start to the new job..be happy!..

Unknown said...

Hey Lesley,

Sounds like situation normal - and like you're handling things like a pro! Well, you asked for it, right? Yeah, me too! You'll get your rhythm back, it does take some time, tho.

Glad to hear that you seem happy amid all the chaos - with your waterfront view! Ain't life grand?!


Stevie said...

Hiya Lesley!
Glad you like your new job... and busy can be good! Don't worry about us thinking you've left us or anything... we've all had times when we were too busy to much more than have a peek now and again! We'll still be here for you!
By the way, speaking of time, if you have a moment, could you stop my my blog and let me know if you would like me to light a luminary for anyone?

Unknown said...

How's the new job?

What are your plans for the weekend?

Anything exciting happening as you gaze out upon the waterfront?

Dale said...

Oops that was me above...

I'm having a further identity crisis...

Lannio said...

As I gaze out on the waterfront, I see the boats go by. The ferry service to and fro the islands and the sail boats of those taking time off work. It reminds me of the days when I was with Barry and his boats.

Tomorrow night I'm going to a stage production with dance, music and poetry blending Eastern and Western cultures. It should be very interesting. On Sunday, I do the usual singing. Oh, I also should be getting some new glasses - I need stronger ones. I'm replacing my current glasses and also getting some orange framed ones! Look out Elton - here I come!

I'm thinking of calling you soon, now that my feet are back on the ground.

Vallypee said...

So glad you are flourishing in your new job Lesley. The view sounds fantastic though. I think I would spend all the time looking out of the window ;-)