Friday, August 31, 2007

Mummy, Mummy I want to go too

This is what happens when "Mummy" travels a lot

with Rory (above ) and Leo (below)


Anne-Marie said...

Ha, I have a plethora of those pics too. Cute!


Unknown said...

I love that word.... plethora....The boys are very cute too.

grace said...

aawww! Please take me too, don't forget me, see I fit right in!!

too cute.

Mary Beth said...

Awww...Sam does the same thing when I take out the suitcase. Do you have someone come in and look after then when you're away? I used to have to bring Sam to a kennel when I traveled, which I hated doing!

MargieCM said...

Lovely pics - what is it with cats and bags?

My Sadie goes berserk when she sees us packing to go away. Starts running insanely around the house and sniffing at every bag we produce. She hates it if we pick her up in one though - it's only OK if she chooses to be there. She disapproves of her people going away at all though.