Saturday, March 03, 2007

Book tag

Reading my post earlier, I learned that I'd been tagged to follow these instructions by Val:

1. Find the nearest book: I'm so close to all my books here in my office and the first one was a cook-book, but after following the directions below it didn't work because it there was a full page photo of a broccoli-cheese rice pilaf (guess that means I'll have to make it this week-end). The second book is a collection of short stories by one of Canada's most celebrated authors.

2. Name the book title and author: Runaway by Alice Munroe

3. Turn to page 123: Done deed.

4. Go to the 5th sentence on the page and then copy the next 3 sentences on your blog.
He drank it down, he said, "Yeah. Sugar. Thanks." Already his voice was clearing. She remembered this too, about the girl at the school - how quick and apparently miraculous the recovery. But before he was quite recovered, or quite himself, while he was still holding his head at a slant, he met her eyes.

While the book's name is Runaway - the above caption is from the short story Soon.

OK now I have to tag three people, so as since many have already been tagged, I choose Gypsy (come back, come back), MaryBeth and Sindy (LOL).


Dale said...

It makes me want to read the story...

Ooooh and make the broccoli dish!

Chris Capp said...

Hi Lannio,

Thanks for visiting! Your literary tag is very intriguing. I've never actually read any Alice Munro, although I've been to Munro's Bookstore in Victoria, BC, many times. Started by her ex-husband, I believe.

Taking a quick look at your blog (I'll come back for a more thorough visit), it looks like you had quite a cross-country winter adventure! What a fantastic experience.

Hope winter is letting up a little bit for you, and thanks again for stopping by.

- Chris

Anonymous said...

Oooh yes, I want to read the story too! Sounds very intrigueing Lesley! I ike short stories actually especially when I'm really busy.

I've told Sin you've tagged her, so now she'll ahve to snuffle around her own books. This could take a while! After all, there may be some bones buried between the pages which might need attention first. She'll let you know when she's done;-)

Mary Beth said...

Ooohh, sounds dishy! I've put mine up, though it's not as exciting as yours whatsoever. I'll be anxious to see Sindy's book tag! *LOL*

Dale said...

Lesley, I've been meaning to mention your side photos.

Great shots of my backyard!


Anne-Marie said...

What, no tag for Creemore? She reads better than all of us combined!

Lannio said...

Tagging Creemore would have been just too "catty"

Lannio said...

Dale - stop bragging ;-)

grace said...

hmmm, interested in the whole story now.

hope you are well, xx grace

Creemore said...

Meow! Meow! pffft! pffft!



Stevie said...

It's reigning cats and dogs! ha ha!

Stevie said...

I want to read this story as well...

Brutus said...

My mommy thinks she has seen you around before....Dales blog?

You would like me in real life because I dont' chase and I dont' make too much noise. The only time I make noise is when my humansd come home because I am so happy to see them and when they invite me to go for a walk. I get so excited! Besides that, I'm a quiet guy. The strong/silent type, you know. : )

Stevie said...

hey, what is this broccoli dish???
me likey broccoli....