I bought this property in November and therefore didn't see all the vegetation. Apparently the previous owner wanted ground cover under the tree and decided to plant this goutweed. Unfortunately this plant is an invasive weed. If I planted other pretty plants this weed would just invade and eventually kill it.
So, on with the battle. I learned that this plant is one of the most difficult to get rid of so drastic measures were called for ...
I covered the weed with four layers of thick cardboard and then a couple of inches of mulch ...

I then covered the entire area with geotextile fabric. I'm trying to smother the entire thing and so my front yard will have this massive ugly spot for a year. Jim refers to it as a "missile launching pad"

I've taken the rest of the stuff out (see bottom of pic above for a look at the goutweed) in other sections of my yard and plan to smother it later in the Fall. It may take me about three years to get rid of it all!
Hey, I just read about the newspaper and mulch method of killing grass instead of removing it. This is my job for September (after the housewarming, naturally) so that I can make a rock garden in front come next spring. It is called lasagna gardening, apparently. I wish I'd kept my moving boxes now...
Is the geotextile fabric necessary, and if so, where does one get that? At the fabric store? I am asking honestly.
Don't worry about the question. I actually asked Rob where to get it. Home Depot is the answer (and I put two layers of it because it can rip easily). Over the summer it's ripped a bit so I've patched the holes up with rocks!
Yes the Geotextile fabric is necessary as it prevents the ground from getting sun but lets water in (you want to "sog up" the area).
Giz told me about your plans for the front as I have somewhat similar plans for my front .... eventually (hopefully next year).
About the boxes, lets talk. I may be able to help you there or at least give you some ideas.
What a good idea Leslie! I have a terrible problem with dandelions in my garden, so I might well do the same thing!
Ah, a weed...
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet!
Well, that should do the trick Lesley. Smother it so it can't breathe. Awful stuff some weeds out there, we have thistle here, it is near impossible to get rid of. even if you burn it, it can come back.
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