Here's a picture of the pumpkin that I carved out yesterday for Halloween. It was supposed to look like "Herman" from the Munsters, however I think he looks far too jolly and/or dazed to be an authentic replica.

"Herman" is currently sitting on the balcony in front of my condominium.
Halloween Carol #1:
Dashing through the streets
In our costumes bright and gay
To each house we go
Laughing all the way
Oh Pumpkin Bells, Pumpkin Bells
Ringing loud and clear
Oh what fun Great Pumpkin brings
When Halloween is here
Halloween Carol #2:
On the (nth) day of Halloween
My true love gave to me
1. An owl sitting in a dead tree
2. Two trick-or-treaters
3. Three black cats
4. Four skeletons
5. Five scary spooks
6. Six goblins gobbling
7. Seven pumpkins glowing
8. Eight monsters shreiking
9. Nine ghosts a-booing
10. Ten ghouls a-groaning
11. Eleven casks a-leering
12. Twelve bats a-flying
Halloween Carol #3:
Screech owls hoot, are you listening?
Beneath the moon, all is glistening
A real scary sight, we're happy tonight
Waiting in a pumpkin wonderland
Later on, while we're eating
What we got trick-or-treating
We'll share all our sacks of
Halloween snacks
Waiting in a pumpkin wonderland
Halloween Carol #4:
I'm dreaming of the Great Pumpkin
Just like I do this time each year
When he brings nice toys
To good girls and boys
Who wait for him to appear
I'm dreaming of the Great Pumpkin
With every pumpkin card I write
May your jack-o'-lanterns burn bright
When the Great Pumpkin visits you tonight
Herman looks drunk!
Happy Hallowe'en. Do you get a lot of kiddies traffic in your neck of the woods?
Ha Ha Ha, you're right he does look drunk! Must have been that red wine I had before I carved him out hehehe.
OMG he does look drunk! Too funny!
Great job carving, Lannio! It is said that art reflects the artist....not sure that came out quite the way I wanted...
Happy Halloween in any case!
I've added "pumpkin carols". I have more (11 in total). Anybody who wants the entire set, just email me and I'll get them too you.
But Herman WAS "Jolly and Dazed". Unlike the monster on my site which was actually Boris karloff in the original Frankenstein movie... (obviously before your time).
You should have been a teacher- you have the repertoire, my dear! Art, songs, what more do you need?
Ah Ha, but one of my degrees is in recreation! honest!
Great pumpkin, EL!!
It really does look like Herman - who was pretty goofy anyway!
It looks great on your deck.
Our kids are very excited about tomorrow - they're going swimming at Fairmont Hot Springs with the school all day before the big night.
Im carving a giant pumpkin out and remoulding it into the shape of the mask from scream- im halfway through and some people who do it every year have said its basically rubbish
Fun, blogs, and Halloween, eh? Look out Thanksgiving and Christmas!
--Dan L.
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