Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Is this a symbol for a Canadian hockey goalie on the logo?

You might laugh, but when the 2010 Vancouver Olympic organization announced their logo for the Winter Games, some people thought it was! Good grief.

The Inukshuk, which means "likeness of person" was first used by the Inuit People (aka Eskimos) to mark trails, indicate caches of food, locate nearby settlements as well as to mark good places to hunt or fish. Most of the Canadian arctic is dominated year round by permafrost so it only has a few natural landmarks which can be used for orientation. Thats why Inukshuks are used as directional markers.

The rock Inukshuk embodies the spirit and persistence of the Inuit who live and flourish in Northern Canada, one of the world's harshest environments. Inukshuk's represent strength, leadership and motivation

A few years ago my parents travelled to Canada's north and saw many inukshuks and decided to make one on their lawn.


Unknown said...

What a perfect symbol for the Olympic Games! Strength, leadership and motivation. I absolutely love it.

Great post, Lannio! Thank you. I hope the Olympic committee has a plan to educate folks on what it is - it really kind of does look like a suited up hockey goalie...... :0

Mary Beth said...

*L* I gues it does sort of look like a goalie....though, I've obviously seen these for years, so it never crossed my mind that it was anything but what it is!

By the way, I LOVE your Halloween carols on your previous post!

Anne-Marie said...

Hee. Maybe there should be a blue laser pointing to the inukshuk.

You can see a lot of impromptu inukshuks on the highways to Muskoka. People seem to make them on the fly and leave them on the rock banks of the road up the 400 and 69 highways. I love spotting them.

Great post!

Dale said...

Hey, I have a photo quite similar to that one!

Dale said...

A goalie?

... my fat kneepads!