Sunday, January 14, 2007

At Last ..... Snow!

I've been homebound and quite sick since Wednesday so life hasn't been that interesting. However, I did leave the confines of these four walls last night to see the movie Notes on a Scandal starring Judi Dench and Cate Blanchett. What a movie!

This movie is certainly not the “junk food” food of cinema but the “real thing”. I won’t give the plot away except to say that the movie is quite dark and I was surprised to see Judi Dench portray the role she did – and with such a power that was actually quite chilling (in an understated and human way). The movie takes you to a very real place in the world that hopefully you haven’t been - by giving you an honest look at human character. I certainly recommend it. Both Dench and Blanchett are fabulous with a great supporting cast.

Oh the other exciting thing? It’s finally snowing in Toronto and keeping on the ground! We have a storm watch for tonight and tomorrow (a mixture of snow and freezing rain). While I’m not still feeling great I feel I can’t miss anymore work so I may be driving there tomorrow morning in sheer chaos. Oh, one good thing about my sickness is that I’ve lost five pounds!

Below are a few photos taken from within the confines of my four walls.


Dale said...

Hi Lesley, it's good to hear you're on the mend!
I hate being sick...
Your inclement (?) weather has hit the airwaves and I listened to the weather warnings on Canada AM.

The last movie I attended at a cinema was the animated "Cars" - a great show, especially if one knows the automobile world...there's lots of subliminal images.

Will you get to try out your new ski equipment before you come out here?
Let me know some times and dates when you get a chance.

Hope you have a great week.


Anne-Marie said...

Hi Lesley,
Glad to read you're getting better. Isn't the snow beautiful? About time, right?

ian gordon said...

I've got my eye on that 3rd photo. It looks like a Breugal landscape.

Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better. Take it easy first day back.

Unknown said...

Hi Lannio a/k/a Lesley - which DO you prefer to use now?

Well, whoever you are, I'm also glad to hear you're on the mend. Sounds like you've had a rough time lately. Hopefully you'll stay healthy now with no worries in that area from now on! Eat your veggies, keep that fiver off and take good care of yourself, kiddo.

Glad to hear you got out to the movies and that you enjoyed what you saw. It does sound quite intriguing.

Enjoy the snow! It IS about time! You got (are getting?) the same storm that finally brought winter to us in the Midwest. We're officially in the deep freeze now!

I took Hayley to see Cars last summer and we rented it a couple of weeks ago, too. It's a very cute movie and not just for kids.

Best to you!

Unknown said...

Darn that picture is tiny, isn't it?

ian gordon said...

Wow, I just got a weird little pop-up.

It seems like your security certificate is out of date.

Thought I'd let you know.

Lannio said...

Dale: I'll let you know soon. It looks like I may be thru on Friday at about 3:00 - 3:30 in Calgary :-) Maybe thinking of going back on Tuesday but will confirm.

Ian - Strange message. Have no idea what it's about - but thanks! :-). I like how you compare my photographs to art too.

Rache: lovely to hear from you!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Lesley,
I checked the Matignon menu and I can't see a non meat entree for the dinner menu. Honestly, pasta with veggies sounds quite dull from their lunch menu. I'll look at the other menus, okay?

Vallypee said...

Hope you're feeling better now Lannio! I'm sorry I haven't been around so much lately, but work is swamping me again...long long days.

Your photos of the snow are stunning. Really beautiful. I'm kind of wishing we could have some real winter weather here instead of the awful gales and storms. Today's was very bad with loss of life and terrible damage. Poor Sindy was terrified as the boat was rocking like crazy. I even felt seasick!