Friday, January 19, 2007

To everyone who is turning 50 - and I know a lot! ....

..... You're not alone ......

It was 50 years ago this spring that the Wham-O company first produced what is now known as the frisbee. Originally called “the Pluto Platter,” the model was designed to resemble a flying saucer. And with minor adjustments to improve its stability, the adoption of a name inspired by the legend of a New England bakery and more than 200 million discs sold (exceeding all baseball, football and basketball sales combined), the frisbee soon became the international symbol of sun and fun.

So, for all my friends and family who are turning 50 .... I say take a frisbee out this Spring, perhaps with a dog or two and have some fun in the sun


Dale said...

Flat and spinny!


That's me!

Anne-Marie said...

And you can do it with a dog who is 7 years ago and a bit!

Vallypee said...

Excellent advice dear Lannio. I have past that daunting hurdle now, so can relax a bit, but recommend a regular dose of infantile unhibited joy. it's great for keeping the youthful spirit alive ;-)

Mary Beth said...

Hello, Lesley,

I don't understand about the picture of the the frisbee supposed to hit him in the head and knock him out? That woud be seems more of a plaything, cats play with this "fris-bee"? More investigation is required....

Unknown said...

A good game of frisbee is always a great time! Val is so right - you're just as young (or as old :P) as you feel!

Sammy, I saw a cat catch a frisbee once on TV, but am fairly sure it was an unfortunate accident (or a doctored videotape) self-respecting cat would actually try to do such a thing....would one?

gypsy noir said...

I refuse!..i refuse..I turn fifty...
no no no no no no no no no no no no no..NAH NO!!!...

Stevie said...

50... I love the sound of that number. My kids will be long on their own, I hope I am not a Grandma BEFORE that age, but at 50 grandbabies might be nice, and I will be free of parental responsibilities... don't get me wrong... I love my children and wouldn't change a thing, but I have yet to have an non-hugely-responsible time in my life, and frankly, I'm looking forward to it!
SO, yes, 50, gold, gorgeous, perfect.... ooh, and I have two friends who just turned, and 50 is verrrry sexy, I tell you what!
Any of you there already, revel in it... and save some fun for me!