August 23 is the 235th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (236th in leap years), with 130 days remaining.....
Some events of this day
1926 - Rudolph Valentino, Italian actor dies (born 1895)
1946 - Keith Moon, English singer and drummer (The Who) was born (died 1978)
1949 - Shelley Long, American actress was born
1949 - Rick Springfield, Australian singer and actor was born
1960 - Oscar Hammerstein II, American lyricist dies (born 1895)
Holidays and observances on this day, August 23
Romania - Liberation Day (1944).
Swaziland - Umhlanga Day.
Ukraine - Flag Day.
While I acknowledge all of these events, I'd really like to celebrate the life of Mr. Moon
For shame!
I completely forgot about Keith's birthday today...
Boo! to you!
oh no i didnt even know it was keiths b/d today..interesting post this lannio nice pic of the moon too in honour of keith eh??..
Hi Lannio,
Lots of Keith remembrances on the who boards I belong to- he would have been 60, though something tells me he wouldn't have made old bones even without his tragic death. Such is the fate of shooting stars...
To answer your question on my blog, Mass Comm. at York U, with a double major in French. I landed into teaching by accident- had to do a mass comm project in a middle school, and found I liked kids more than grown ups. :)
Hear hear on the celebration of Keith. I think Anne Marie is right tho. I can't imagine Keith as an old man..he was already on fast forward..
Hi Guys,
the moon is indeed in celebration of Keith. But, you're right, I couldn't imagine him at 60 - but then again - Keith Richards made it to the 60 mark and he was on that same fast track. You just never know. But he did have a young death - yet 28 years after his death he's still remembered and celebrated. Wow!
A-M, like your attitude on teaching. I wish more had it. I never got a degree in French, but studied it when I lived in France. I did a triple-major: Mass-Com, business and Recreation. (Guess I like to have fun while I work!).
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